Select Right Keywords for Right Website or Blog
Tips and Tricks to Deal with Changing Google Algorithms
Website and Blog success depends much on SEO which helps attracting the targeted visitors to your blog or website. This has been already discussed in our many articles. Since algorithms and results of markets change with the passage of time so, we are going to tell you some cool tips and trick to coop-up with the ever changing algorithms. This will assist you to form your game plan to build and compute your SEO campaigns during the year 2013
Blog or Website
Your website or blog is the centre of your SEO strategy. Your marketing campaign demands you to determine each and every topic of your SEO strategy. This includes pages, keywords, group keywords, backlinks and social signals etc. The task may initially seem to be a little apprehending and overwhelming for many business campaigns but it is necessary to revise your website or blog keywords, phrases and meta-tags to match them with the new algorithms. Otherwise you would lag behind in your campaign and your competitors may take the advantage to capitalize on the situation.
Financial Ratios
Ratios that count success as elaborated by you and your business results, aims, and sales conversions like downloads, surge rate, revenue and return etc. need to be reviewed.
SEO Variables
Variables that count for the effect of the below mentioned metrics of your business must be re-considered with the changing situations of the internet world. It will enhance your SEO and resultantly direct the targeted traffic to your website.
- Content – Fresh and attractive content rich in keywords, copy, titles, ratio of text to content and so on.
- Traffic – It includes your visitors, page visits, organic keywords directing the targeted visitors to your website or blog.
- Social – Social media participation, Signals, Likes, +1's etc.
- Links – Domain, Domain -name and backlink-based
- Rank - Placing for volume based and long-tail terms and branded vs. non-branded
- On-page - All type of tags e.g. Title tag, Page Headings, Link title
- Time Difference - Demonstrate your skills, devices, and resources to measure these over a period of time so you can analyze performance, realize trends, and carry out suitable actions.
Strategies for Link Building
Understanding new SEO methods in link building strategies is highly important. You need to keep up with modernism and novelty. It is a time and resource management task which means that your all link building strategies are customized to follow clean practices.
Organic Search
Google’s algorithms promote unique contents and demote that are concentrating on gaming or primary and evolutionary algorithm. Google updates such as Panda and Penguin reveal clearly that short-term search tactics are over now.
Local and Mobile Search
New and recent updates of Google about social outstanding and local search set apart an important shift which has now focused towards mobile search. The mobile adoption rate has been considerably poured in during the recent years. Mobile search has also become local now because results change by location variation. Thus, your SEO techniques must ensure to carry subtle SEO success to metrics and location based variables.
Global Search
Global audience is also the target of various SEO campaigns. For many businesses global ranking is the top priority because it does not only speedup marketing but also retains your brand globally online.
How to Raise the Ranking of Your Blog Posts
It has always been a great question how to raise the rankings of blog posts so that more and more viewership may be attracted. The most important thing one needs to do is to give some time to proper keyword selection through a good research before any posting on the blog.
People generally make a big mistake of posting on their blogs without considering the keywords and phrases. It is certain to get high rankings in the search engines by making a little effort by selecting proper keywords and phrases for each blog. This will give you increased traffic to your blog.
So here are few tips and tricks for your information and use to enhance the traffic on your blog by raising the ranking of your post.
Select keyword phrases that have low searches per month, ranging from 50 to 500. Regular and consistent posting on your blog will give you a few visitors for your each post and they will multiply soon into a large number.
More importantly, you choose a long keyword phrase for each post and it should be different. Remember each blog post serves as a new page on your blog and you had better make sure to optimize each blog post for a different keyword phrase.
Your keyword phrase should be added in the title as well as in the actual post from two to three times.
Make sure that you add the title, description and keyword phrase to your SEO plugin on your blog and for an image to your blog post you can add the keyword phrase in the alt image tag as well.
Each post could be made profitable by linking to an affiliate product or online businesses or home businesses through promotion of your ideas in related areas. Another way to get benefited is to mix Google AdSense ads in your blog posts.
Another useful tip is to write article related to your blog theme and distribute it to the article directories. Use the following two links in the resource box:
Link to the home page of your blog with your blog's main keywords.
Link to the actual post on your blog that you want to raise to a higher ranking with the keyword phrase you optimized that blog post for.
These few tips and tricks will enable you to have your blog posts on the search engine results which will increase traffic as well as your sales.
Six Tips for Best SEO Results
As you know very well that we are aimed at educating you about friendly SEO Tips and Techniques. The strategies stated here can assist you greatly to raise the ranking of your blog or website and attract more and more online traffic.
In this article I am going to tell you about some best practices for the SEO of your blog or website.
1. Keywords and Phrases:
From time and again we have been telling you how important and vital the keywords and phrases are in SEO. Without selection of proper and targeted Keywords and Phrases your efforts of attracting targeted viewer ship or potential customers and bringing your site on top positions in search engines go futile. Select proper keywords and phrases according to the title and topic of your site. Moreover use less common and unique keywords and phrases. The keywords and phrases having low searches will have better results. A good research in this regard will bear good results.
2. The Frequency of Keywords and Phrases:
Frequency of keywords and phrases in your content is very important. Your keyword phrases should be added in title as well in your text. However remember that targeted keywords should appear in the text a few times, but not too frequently. Use of keywords too much is identified by Google as spam. So, keyword stuffing may have worst effects on your website. The best technique is to use the keyword or phrase in title and then in the first and last paragraphs of your text. If you are intended to use it even more then you may use it twice in between and this is sufficient. You can even check the density of your keywords using keyword density tool.
3. Content
There is no doubt in saying that content is the life-blood of your website or blog. A great many depends upon it. The visitors come up only for the content and other attractions are secondary. So, the content must be of high quality, free of errors and improvised so that more and more users can benefit from it and even recommend it to potential customers. The unique and excellent content has unique and excellent results. Google evaluates the usefulness and quality of written content through effective ways. Use of keywords must be scarce and if there is too much use of keywords then you may use synonyms.
4.Content Volume Writing Technique
Google as well as other search engines boost the high quality content. They consider websites that continuously post new and more content. You need to keep it in mind and set a goal how much content you will add to your blog or website daily. The sporadic posting of content has very less utility. It is better if you add two to three articles daily.
The second thing which is important in this regard is that you must split your long articles into small and easily understandable paragraphs. If possible write each separate thing in a separate point form. Some articles are long because of their nature but very lengthy paragraphs and too many complex sentences drive the interest of reader away. The best strategy in this situation is to use headings and write in small paragraphs. Also try to squeeze your articles within 500 words but without losing the essence of the topic.
5. Use of H1 tags on your Page
Make sure that the words in the title with H1 tag are also used in the text because when you use H1 tag on your page the search engine interprets it as the main title of your page. It is better to use H2 and H3 for other headings in your content.
6. Disadvantage of Flash
Websites using flash are annoying and frustrating for the users because it takes ages to load. Search engines also find difficulty in reading flash files. So, flash won’t provide you any advantage rather it is a disadvantage. It is therefore better to use HTML because such sites are more user-friendly.
I hope these tips will help you get some positive results in SEO of your website or blog.