It has always been a great question how to raise the rankings of blog posts so that more and more viewership may be attracted. The most important thing one needs to do is to give some time to proper keyword selection through a good research before any posting on the blog.
People generally make a big mistake of posting on their blogs without considering the keywords and phrases. It is certain to get high rankings in the search engines by making a little effort by selecting proper keywords and phrases for each blog. This will give you increased traffic to your blog.
So here are few tips and tricks for your information and use to enhance the traffic on your blog by raising the ranking of your post.
Select keyword phrases that have low searches per month, ranging from 50 to 500. Regular and consistent posting on your blog will give you a few visitors for your each post and they will multiply soon into a large number.
More importantly, you choose a long keyword phrase for each post and it should be different. Remember each blog post serves as a new page on your blog and you had better make sure to optimize each blog post for a different keyword phrase.
Your keyword phrase should be added in the title as well as in the actual post from two to three times.
Make sure that you add the title, description and keyword phrase to your SEO plugin on your blog and for an image to your blog post you can add the keyword phrase in the alt image tag as well.
Each post could be made profitable by linking to an affiliate product or online businesses or home businesses through promotion of your ideas in related areas. Another way to get benefited is to mix Google AdSense ads in your blog posts.
Another useful tip is to write article related to your blog theme and distribute it to the article directories. Use the following two links in the resource box:
Link to the home page of your blog with your blog's main keywords.
Link to the actual post on your blog that you want to raise to a higher ranking with the keyword phrase you optimized that blog post for.
These few tips and tricks will enable you to have your blog posts on the search engine results which will increase traffic as well as your sales.
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